JKA Shokukai Natsu no Keiko with Ogane Yutaro Sensei

JKA Shokukai Natsu no Keiko with Ogane Yutaro


JKA Seminar mit JKA Headquarters Instructor Ogane Sensei in Lollar, Hessen, Germany

Ausrichter: JKA Shotokan Kyokai Lollar

Organisation: JKA Shokukai Germany 

German Karate Federation (DKV) 

JKA Seminar with Headquarters Instructor Igarashi Sensei in October 2022 Berlin report

JKA Seminar with Headquarters Instructor Igarashi Sensei in October 2022 Berlin report

JKA Gasshuku with JKA Sohonbu Instructor Igarashi Sensei in Berlin Germany

It has been the great priviledge of JKA Shokukai Germany to welcome JKA Honbu instructor Igarashi Sensei for a two-day Gasshuku in Berlin from October 08 to 09, 2022.

Hosted by Shotokan Kyokai Berlin, 200 participants from all over Germany and Poland made their way to the German capital to practice under the guidance of Igarashi Sensei during his first Seminar in Europe.

Igarashi Sensei’s spirited and at the same time gracious instruction spurred the group to give their best and stay motivated through several demanding practice sessions. He put a special emphasis on Tachi Waza and the power that can be gained by combining the strength of the legs with superior balance. He pursued this theme throughout the weekend with a variety of challenging exercises.


JKA Spring Joint Training Camp (online) 10.04.2021

JKA Spring Joint Training Camp (online) 10.04.2021

2021 JKA Spring Joint Training Camp

Das diesjährige JKA Spring Joint Trainings Camp findet online über Zoom am Samstag 10.04.21 statt. Einige Danträger von Shotokan Kyokai Berlin haben sich bereits für die zwei Trainingseinheiten am Samstag angemeldet.

Wir freuen und auf das lehrreiche Training mit den Ausbildern des JKA Headquarters via Zoom.
